Hello everyone, I’ve missed you all so much! It’s been a few weeks since I last posted a blog or uploaded a video, a lot of things have happened in the world as you know.

I took some time to listen, learn, and support the black lives matter movement. I didn’t want to put content out there that would be irrelevant or distract from this important movement. I took the time to educate myself and help support the movement by sharing black lives matter knowledge through my Instagram, which I will continue to do, and also by buying products from black owned businesses.

I’m super excited to cover this in my blog and create the video once I receive the products. So don’t forget to come back to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel if you are interested in seeing this future content when it goes live.

With that being said, this month is also LGTBQ Pride month and I’m very happy to hear about the Supreme Court’s decision to protect LGBTQ rights. This prohibits employers from firing someone because of their sexual orientation, no one especially gay people should be discriminated against because of their sexual orientation and beliefs. Check out this article on this historic decision.

So in honor of Pride Month I recreated a makeup look that I loved doing in the past, but hadn’t had an opportunity to film, knowing it would be fun and festive. I created this look using the Elf 18 Hit Wonders Eyeshadow Palette which is such a beautiful colorful palette. Another time I’ve used this palette was for my GRWM video for Mother’s Day and I loved the final look so there aren’t enough great things I can say about this palette.

I hope you enjoy this look, I think it’s perfect for any occasion that you would like to play and have fun with colors. Stay Safe and Healthy, I will see you on my next post and video!
